Geography, Gerrymandering and Alternative Energy

Over on Facebook, Renard Eric started this thread to discuss ways of making life in The Bahamas better for all. In case you can't find the post for some reason, here's what he says:

It's a new day - the Independence celebrations are over.I'm determined, as many of you are that follow my posts, to correct the wrongs in our country, to bring about change for poor people so "we" can all afford: groceries every week to feed our families, to pay our bills (in full), to live in a safer community, to afford health care, to get health and life insurance, to own our own businesses rather than be modern day slaves to hotels and banks, to afford to educate our children etc. But like many of you, I realize I have to be a part of the change I want to see...Let's network and use this thread to discuss solutions to our national problems. Some of us may know of issues/problems etc while others may have ideas to resolve them. No post/idea/concern is irrelevant.Obviously I have an agenda, it's no secret 'My allegiance is to the middle class and lower class'. I don't see why 'we' can't be educated, safe, financially comfortable and owners of the land in our country. Kudos to the rich in The Bahamas for making it - but they need to make room at the dinner table for us. Crumbs have lost their flavor! Our children are hungry!My first post in this thread is - 'The high cost of living'. How do we lower the cost of grocery items, gas, mortgages, car payments, insurance?

My answer referred to what I learned from my student Renaldo Major, who presented on alternative energy at COB's Bahamas@Forty Conference. He asked for details, so I'm sharing the recording of that session here.Major's presentation starts at 30:31 in the recording. Please excuse the typing sound in the foreground. We were recording on the go.[vimeo 70139934 w=500 h=500]Lean Forward Panel from the Bahamas@40 conference June 13 2013 from Nicolette Bethel on Vimeo.